Measurement of mine surface air leakage rate with equivalent method 等值法测定矿井外部漏风率
Fuzzy synthetic evaluation of the surface air defense operational efficiency 地面防空作战效能的模糊综合评价
This could mean oceans will rise even faster than forecast , and rising surface air temperatures appear to be to blame , the researchers report in friday ' s issue of the journal science 据路透社2月16日报道,这种现象意味着,海平面上升的速度比人们预想的要快。
Due to the sun radiation , the heated and expanded surface air ascends and meets the cold descending air , this air convection causes the turbulence which is obvious at noon 这是因为太阳光的照射,使地面的空气受膨胀上升,冷空气下降补充,形成空气对流而引起的颠簸,中午飞行尤为明显。
At the same time , during the course of 1km - resolutioned spatial interpolation for the daily surface air temperature in the reaches of yangtze rive , the altitudinal effect ca n ' t negligible 同时在长江流域内地面日气温的1km分辨率的空间插值过程中,海拔高度对气温的空间分布的影响是不可忽视的。
The knowledge of the surface air - sea heat fluxes variability on different space - time scales is vital to understanding the earth ' s climate change and the balance of global energy and fresh water budget 海表潜热和感热通量的时空变化研究是全球气候变化研究和气候系统能量平衡和淡水收支的重要方面。
Based on the monthly mean surface air temperature ( sat ) and monthly precipitation of 160 meteorological stations over china from 1951 to 2006 , the relationship between climate change and drying trend was analyzed in the last 56 years 摘要利用1951 - 2006年中国区域160个站的月降水及月平均气温资料,对中国区域近56a气候要素的变化及其与干旱化联系的事实进行了分析。
Based on the daily surface air temperature data from 200 stations and daily precipitation data th from 739 stations during the second half of the 20 century , schemes for analyzing climate extremes were designed mainly according to percentiles of a non - parametric distribution and the gross errors in the daily data were removed based on a newly designed quality control procedure . the spatial and temporal characteristics of change of climate extremes over china were studied , the major conclusions are summarized as : th 1 . slight decrease trends were found for the 95 percentiles of daily maximum temperatures during summer , but larger increase trends were revealed for the 5th percentiles of daily minimum temperatures during winter , especially in northern china 本文利用中国20世纪后半叶较为完整的逐日温度和降水观测资料,设计了严格的资料质量控制方法,以统计上的边缘分布的客观定义为主要依据,确定了极端温度和降水事件,研究揭示了近50年中国极端气候事件变化的规律,得到以下主要结果: 1 .全国最高温度的极端高值略趋下降;最低温度的极端低值升温趋势显著,这种增温在冬季、在北方最显著。
As a result , in the paper , considering the altitudinal effect ( topography factor ) and the influence on the temperature lapse rate by topography and latitude and longitude and moisture transfer , the study on the daily surface air mean , max and min temperature in the reaches of yangtze rive is attempted by five models , which include the gaussian weighted model , the gaussian weighted model associated with the error - modification , the gradient plus inverse distance squared model and the modified gaussian weighted model a and b that take topography - factor into account 本文考虑海拔高度和温度直减率受地形和经、纬度及水汽等因素的影响,通过利用高斯权重法、结合逐步订正的高斯权重法、梯度距离权重反比法和加入地形影响项(地形因子)的两种改进高斯权重法的方案a 、 b ,对长江流域的地面日平均、最高和最低气温场进行了空间化插值研究。
The variations of sea ice in the arctic ocean are simulated by using a improved high resolution hibler dynamic - thermodynamic sea ice model during 1979 - 1998 . the model is driven by surface atmospheric and oceanic forcing consists of geostrophic winds , surface air temperature , specific humidity , and longwave and shortwave radiative fluxes provided by international arctic buoy program ( iabp ) . the simulated results show that arctic sea ice have noticeable seasonal and annual variability 利用一个hibler海冰热动力模式,在改进了其热力部分和改变模拟范围以及提高分辨率的基础上,以北极国际浮标计划( iabp )提供的1979 - 1998年间逐日变化的日平均海平面气温场,湿度场,长短波辐射场,风场,洋流场,海洋热流量场为强迫场,模拟了上述20年间北极海冰的时空演变。